Source code for hydra_config.cli

"""Hydra Config CLI utilities."""

from types import FunctionType, UnionType
from typing import Any, Callable, Optional, Union, get_type_hints

import hydra_zen as zen

from hydra_config.utils import builds, hydra_store

def _sanitize_type_hints(func: FunctionType) -> FunctionType:
    original_hints = get_type_hints(func)
    sanitized_hints = {}

    for param, hint in original_hints.items():
        if type(hint) is UnionType and type(None) in hint.__args__:
            hints_without_none = [h for h in hint.__args__ if h is not type(None)]
            sanitized_hints[param] = Optional[Union[*tuple(hints_without_none)]]
            sanitized_hints[param] = hint

    return func

[docs] def register_cli(func: Callable | None = None, /, **kwargs) -> Callable: """Register a CLI command. Example: .. literalinclude:: /../examples/ Args: func (Callable | None): The CLI function to register. If None, returns a decorator. Returns: Callable: The registered CLI function or a decorator if `func` is None. """ def wrapper(func: Callable) -> Callable: kwargs.setdefault("name", func.__name__) hydra_store(builds(_sanitize_type_hints(func)), **kwargs) return func if func is None: return wrapper return wrapper(func)
[docs] def run_cli(func: Callable, /, **kwargs) -> None: """Run a CLI command. Args: func (Callable): The CLI command to run. """ kwargs.setdefault("config_path", None) kwargs.setdefault("config_name", func.__name__) kwargs.setdefault("version_base", "1.3") class ZenWrapper(zen.wrapper.Zen): def instantiate(self, __c: Any) -> Any: """Overrides the default instantiation behavior to recursively convert to objects.""" __c = zen.instantiate( __c, _target_wrapper_=self._instantiation_wrapper, _recursive_=True, _convert_="object", ) return __c zen.zen(func, ZenWrapper=ZenWrapper).hydra_main(**kwargs)